August 21, 2017
Dear TRC 2017 Friends and Colleagues,
As expressed in our Call for Papers, the mission of the TRCs is to gather a transpersonal research community and to share ideas and insights on transpersonal approaches to research. We have chosen to use the word colloquium, meaning dialogue in Latin, to emphasize collaboration, mutual sharing, and community building.
The theme for TRC Prague 2017 is Spiritual Practices as Research Methods: Integrating the Old and New. As usual, the colloquium focuses on research methods (not research topics or findings), is open only to those contributing their methodological experience, and provides a collaborative format to engage in creative dialogue to further transpersonal research worldwide. This year’s TRC theme centers on using spiritual practices, such as (but not limited to) the creative arts, mindfulness, imaginal and embodied practices, direct and/or hermeneutic knowing, and collective and transcultural perspectives as research methods.
Instead of formal presentations as in past years, this year’s program schedule includes Discussions Groups, Open Discussions, and Break-out sessions to encourage creative dialogue among us as transpersonal researchers. See the program schedule accompanying this email. The four discussion groups are: Epistemological Challenges in Transpersonal Research, Embodied Inquiry and Embodying the Sacred, Esoteric & Wisdom Traditions’ Contributions to Transpersonal Research, and Art-based, Intuitive, & Narrative Research. You will find your name listed as one of the Primary Discussants in one of the four discussion groups. You are not expected to make a formal presentation but to relay your methodological innovations and procedures, as proposed in your proposals, in a group context. You do not have to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation, though PowerPoint will be available, if you feel that a visual display helps to relay your ideas more effectively. In terms of time, each Discussion Group is given 90 minutes with 7-8 Primary Discussants per group. Allowing time for moderation, and dialogue, we estimate that Primary Discussants will only have about 7 minutes each to present. Please keep your presentations informal and short, to enable us to maximise valuable discussion time. Use your time wisely and follow up in dialogue with others in the Open Discussions, Break-out sessions, and Breaks, and at meals.
If you have not yet paid your registration fee, please pay the fee on our website at soon. The fee is 160 Euros and includes TRC costs, lunch, and coffee breaks for two days. The reduced fee for EUROTAS members is 130 Euros.
On Monday night, there will be a Celebratory dinner at a local restaurant for a beautiful cultural experience in Old Town Prague. We will provide details at TRC 2017.
Several presenters have inquired about hotel accommodations. We are not making hotel recommendations but suggest you book a hotel in Old Town Prague so you can walk to the Naprstek Museum of Asian, African, & American Cultures where TRC 2017 is taking place. We begin at 9 am each morning. Please try to arrive 15 minutes early so we can begin on time. Thank you.
We look forward to seeing all of you soon in Prague.
Warm regards,
Rosemarie Anderson, Ph.D. (USA)
Giovanna Calabrese, Ph.D., Psy.D., M.D. (Italy)
Regina U Hess, Ph.D. (Germany)
Pier Luigi Lattuada, Ph.D., M.D. (Italy)
Les Lancaster, Ph.D. (UK)